On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 02:19:16PM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> 8604024832 sarge-i386-1.iso
> We're going to have to start trimming things if we want dual-layer
> DVDs to work for the sarge release. Suggestions?

The following shows the kB needed (for all+i386) and names of some packages
(documentation and games) that I wouldn't miss:

 size  name
 78022 lg-*
 21933 kernel-doc-{2.4.24,2.4.25,2.4.26,2.6.6,2.6.7}  (keeping 2.4.27 and  
175736 vegastrike*
 87298 fgfs-base flightgear
 67758 beneath-a-steel-sky

> Of course, another option is to go for dual-sided single-layer DVD (aka
> DVD-10), but that loses much of the convenience for the user. Comments?

I think dual-sided DVDs are *very* unpopular, aren't they?



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  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key:
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