On Sun, Aug 29, 2004 at 02:42:31PM -0400, Grzegorz B. Prokopski wrote:
> At http://www.wolffelaar.nl/~sarge/?package=sablevm I have already
> filled in all informations about why SableVM 1.1.6-6 should be in Sarge.
> In summary, a couple of serious bugs were discovered lately by our users
> and they had to be fixed with new upload.

> But because SableVM source packages are split in sablevm and
> sablevm-classlib - they still need hinting to get into testing/Sarge.

This does not appear to be the case; sablevm-classlib is up-to-date in
sarge right now, so there's nothing to hint here.

> PS:  The finally built ARM version has just hit incoming.d.o.
> This means SableVM is built and, to our best knowledge, fully functional
> on all Debian architectures.

This may have been the reason keeping sablevm out, then.  The problem
seems to have fixed itself, sablevm is now up-to-date in sarge according
to madison.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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