On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 03:55:59PM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> UARGH. That time is suboptimal. I am trying to get an OOo with *two* RC
> bug fixes (one unreported, removal of unnedded builddep on libtiff3g-dev)
> and the removal of the unneeded -crashrep package into sarge. As I "fixed"
> your wishlist bug with building against libcurl3 I now depend onn libcurl3
> and need it into testing before the full freeze, which incidentially
> is at 24th August (packages must be in sarge then...).
> There was just mipsel missing from the 8 days old curl to resolve that
> problem, now we have 10 days again which is 20/21th August. And what is
> with updates you (hopefully not) have to do?

OOo still misses the sparc build, doesn't it? and all of us need
gcc-3.4. so the solution of your problem was near but not that much
and curl is not pushing it too far IMHO.

> PLEASE think of packages which depend on you and an upcoming freeze.
> Thank you.

i knew you would not have been too happy about this upload, but i don't
think we are really in danger.

> Well, if that doesn't turn out I would need to put the identical
> sourcepkg (with the builddep changed back to libcurl2-dev) into t-p-u.
> I guess the RMs would not like that ;-)

no, we don't want this of course.

if you (or the release managers) do not feel confident about risk,
you are free to ask the removal of latest curl from incoming with my
hereby granted approval.  i can always try to upload it again later
before 17th August.

i'm sorry to have made you jump on your seat... i figured you was pretty
bored :))


-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
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