
Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> * Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-27 23:31]:
> > If you feel it only justifies an urgency=medium upload, then that's
> > what I would recommend.  This means it probably won't make the
> > freeze, since medium is 5 days and the 31st is 4 days from now, but
> > those are the breaks.
> I think the 31st should apply to uploads to unstable rather than
> testing.  You basically came with your freeze announcement completely
> out of the blue and said testing will freeze in 6 days, not giving
> maintainers any chance at all to make normal uploads which take 10
> days to propogate to testing.  This could lead to a) packages being
> uploaded in a rush even tough they are not well tested and b) them

a problem I see *NOW* is that gcc-3.3 and gcc-3.4 (libgcc1 where all new
stuff is built against) were uploaded with urgency high and therefore
could make the freeze but gtk+2.0 was some days before with _low_ and it
is now only 3/10 days old.

So every package in unstable uploaded since the gcc-3.4 upload to
unstable - even if it is outside base and wants to get (RC-)bugs fixes - 
may not enter testing...

I think there should be an exception for gcc-3.3/gcc-3.4...


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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