Hallo Sebastian!

Sebastian Gutsfeld schrieb am Monday, den 19. July 2004:

> | jamin 0.8.0
> | Cannot find plugin 'lookahead_limiter_const_1906.so'
> | Cannot find preferred limiter, looking for alternative
> | Cannot find plugin 'lookahead_limiter_1435.so'
> | Required plugin missing.
> As lookahead_limiter_1435.so was part of swh-plugins I think this has
> to do with the new swh-plugins package.

Yes. Actually it's swh-plugins problem. The old swh-plugins should have
been kept and a new one with a different package name been uploaded.
swh-plugins has changed the API by removing (moving) a plugin. We will
have to either get two different versions of swh-plugins or wait for a
new upstream release of jamin that uses the new plugin (something like

jamin-devel: When can we expect a new release?

debian-release: What is your preferred solution?

debian-multimedia: Are there other packages that have a
    dependency on a special plugin of (swh|tap|...)-plugins?



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