Hello again,

The 1.1.6-1 packages of SableVM (sablevm and sablevm-classlib sources)
didn't get into testing even though 5 days period is finished.  Could
somebody please hint them again [*] to get into testing?

Thanks in advance,

                                Grzegorz B. Prokopski

PS: There's pending major reorganization of SableVM debian packages
along with some major changes on the upstream side.  One of them will
be a single tarball containing all of SableVM, which in turn should
make hinting no longer necessary.  It remains to be seen whether it
happens before Sarge release.

Grzegorz B. Prokopski      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian GNU/Linux           http://www.debian.org
SableVM - LGPL'ed Java VM  http://www.sablevm.org
Why SableVM ?!?            http://devel.sablevm.org/wiki/Features

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