On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 09:37:15PM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> Igor Genibel wrote:
> > Could you explain your motivation about dovecot ?
> > The upstream seems to be active and aware
> > ( http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=225048 )
> > and the maintainer too ...
> > The package is up to date (same as the upstream).
> I don't think it's reasonable to release the current version, and the bug
> has sat at 'grave' since February 11 (a full month) with no visible
> progress.
> If you think it's just fine to release sarge containing dovecot in this
> data-lossy condition, well, then it shouldn't be removed from sarge. 
> However, it sounds like a bad idea to me.

I had few beers with dovecots author las night, and He said that
he doesn't consider that a RC bug ("mboxes are inheritedly unsafe"). 
Dovecot is going under a major rewrite, so while the next version will 
probably fix this, it will be overall more untested.

Riku Voipio            |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
kirkkonummentie 33     |    +358 40 8476974          --+--
02140 Espoo            |                               |
dark> A bad analogy is like leaky screwdriver          |

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