On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 08:57:18AM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 08:30:35PM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> > Thanks to Riku Voipio for the basis of these suggestions
> > (http://lists.debian.org/debian-qt-kde/2004/debian-qt-kde-200402/msg00222.html)

> > These should not really be done immediately; as noted below, there
> > are two days left to wait even if all these hints are used, including
> > the impossible 'urgent' hint, and who knows, maybe lots of other stuff
> > will be fixed by then (though I doubt it).
> If the 'urgent' hint were available, I'd consider this lot, but since it
> isn't it's better just to wait and see what the state is when delays
> have expired.

How does the xfree86 4.3 upload affect the remaining builds? atleast
they are unbuildable until xfree compiles on arm and mipsel, and that
seemingly wont happen before gcc-3.3 ( #233633 )is fixed... I thought
that the binaries compiled against xf4.3 would be unistallable on xf4.2,
but there is nothing on the libx*shlibs that seems to imply so.

Riku Voipio            |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
kirkkonummentie 33     |    +358 40 8476974          --+--
02140 Espoo            |                               |
dark> A bad analogy is like leaky screwdriver          |

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