
I'd consider removing the following packages from testing. For all
packages, I'm writing mail to the maintainer to fix them, if they
don't want them removed. I'll mail -release again in 14 days to remove
all not fixed packages, so no action is requested at the moment.

This number in the first line is the RC-bug I Cced the mails to.

diasce2 229432 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  NMUed once, open RC-bug for some time

drupal 219143 orphaned
  RC-bug, prospective adopter has given up

freehoo 228039 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  protocol has changed (RC-bug), so not useable

gnome-mag 218776 Colin Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  RC-bug since 2003-11-02, not response by maintainer

guile-oops 207087 Mikael Djurfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  RC-bug since 2003-08-24, patch since 2003-11-18, no maintainer reaction

infinity 226259 Anand Kumria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  RC-bug since 2004-01-05, no maintainer reaction

ipac-ng 202533 Noel Koethe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  RC-bug since 2004-02-02 (bug from 2003-07-... w/o maintainer reaction,
  severity raised), still no maintainer reaction

mozart 204045 orphaned
  RC-bug since 2003-11-04, patch since 2003-11-12, nobody seems to care enough

phpix 229794 Yven Johannes Leist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  security problem since 2004-01-26; not in stable

ppxp 225409 Takuo KITAME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  RC-bug since 2003-12-29, no maintainer reaction, mailed twice.
  And we have another pppd in Debian

python-soappy 213939 Ed Boraas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  RC-bug since 2003-10-03, NMUed tried but without success, no maintainer

serpento 219273 Radovan Garabik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  RC-bug since 2003-11-05, only maintainer reaction on 2003-11-11 and asked
  further question (alternative: close bug report as unreproducible)

tochnog 207492 Anthony Fok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  RC-bug since 2003-08-27, no maintainer reaction since then

Comments welcome.

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