These hints really should go in ASAP; I'm waiting to see how things work out
on some of the other groups, which still have RC bug issues.

==> easy libdumbnet/1.7-3 libevent/0.7c-1 farpd/0.2-4 fragroute/1.2-7
         honeyd/0.6a-4.1 labrea/2.5-stable-1 trickle/1.06-4 stegdetect/0.5-5

This should work *now*.  And all of these except honeyd have been waiting
quite a while.
(If it doesn't work, try "hint libdumbnet/1.7-3 libevent/0.7c-1")

==> remove ida/0.12
This package ties up libpcd, openmotif, fbi, motv.  I had suggested some easy
hints for getting them all in, but since then a new ida has been uploaded,
and a new curl (on which ida depends) has been uploaded with RC bugs.  Dammit.

If ida is removed, at least libpcd, openmotif, fbi, and motv, which have all
been ready to go for MONTHS, can get in.  :-P

==> easy petsc/2.1.6-2 illuminator/0.6.9-2
The maintainer is really eager to get these in and has fixed oodles of
other packages in order to get it working (his packages themselves have
been in good shape for a long, long time).  Currently it needs a build
on mips and six days; by the time you get to this I expect that will have

==> force nvidia-graphics-drivers/1.0.5328-4
The problem is that this is non-free with unsatisfiable depends and
will *never* go in manually.  5328 is needed for out-of-the-box 2.6 kernel
support, which is worth having for sarge.

Nathanael Nerode  <neroden at>

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