* Tobias Stefan Richter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [041022 21:30]:
> > some remarks from me on that issue:
> > - we don't enforce that data matches the DFSG for release of sarge

> We don't?
> Might be true, but then this is the first time I hear about this.
> How about http://release.debian.org/sarge_rc_policy.txt ?
> Is this outdated? Serious question - I might not have noticed
> a change here. Please help me out if I'm wrong.

| Documentation in main and contrib must be freely distributable,
| and wherever possible should be under a DFSG-free license. This
| will likely become a requirement post-sarge.

(And please don't argue that the star catalogue is not documentation -
it's definitly not program, the other thing listed on that page.)

> > - stars (and derivants) have a longer history in resolving that issue.
> >   Though I'm unhappy that stars is now not directly usable, I think the
> >   general tendency is ok.

> I be honest I don't know what the current tendency is here and googleing 
> didn't help me. Is there a chance for DFSG free data files to be packaged 
> really soon?

Yes. First, there were some programs which included non-free star
catalogues. Then, it was decided to split the catalogues off to seperate
issues - and IIRC there are free ones, and non-free ones. So, the
catalogues are now removed from stars. The next step should however be
to package them appropriate in main or non-free.

> > So, unless the maintainer asks for removal, I don't think that starts
> > qualifies for removal _now_. Of course, if the problem is not fixed
> > before release of sarge, we might still consider to do it.

> Well, I wasn't opting for a removal from Debian, just from sarge.
> In my eyes one purpose of the bug tracking system and it's RC severity
> is to automate the task of considering the packages for release.
> If the bug is closed by an upload of a working release of stars
> with dependencies satisfied in main - fine. 
> Otherwise what's the purpose of having stars in sarge, when we agree 
> it's not acceptable to release the present state of it?

I think the way to go would be to get some information from the
maintainer what his solving strategy would be. If he has a doable one,
we might wait a bit of time for that. If not, the decision about this
package could still happen.

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