On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 07:05:12AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Marc Haber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 11:23:51AM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> > > I plan to upload on sunday.

> > done.

> (exim4 with translation changes and a needed Build-Depends change on
> libgnutls11 instead of libgnutls07)

> >From a IRC conversation yesterday with Andreas Barth, this package
> only lacks alpha and mips (or mispsel, I'm unsure) autobuilds because
> there seem to be a problem with these autoduilbers for t-p-u....

> Is this autobuilders problem being worked on by someoneĀ ?

> If not, the exim4 packages Marc uploaded to tpu really need to go into
> testing so I guess that a manual build is needed.

> How can one follow the progress of autobuilds for packages uploaded to
> tpu?

Actually, when I initially asked for a new exim4 upload, I hadn't read
the bug log closely enough to realize the version in unstable already
depended on gnutls11 instead of gnutls10.  I'm looking over the diff
now, but at least from the changelog it seems straightforward to just
push it in from unstable to testing instead of needing t-p-u at all for
this.  Sorry for putting you to the extra effort, Marc, it was never
actually my intention that you upload to t-p-u for this matter. :/

If there are no objections from the exim4 maintainers, I can push -6
into testing, and then we can look at debootstrap again.  Marc, this
means that any changes included in -4sarge3 but not in -6 would need to
be reuploaded to unstable once -6 goes in; which is really the case
anyway, if those changes should be there for etch.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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