On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Junichi Uekawa wrote: > Hi, fellow debian audio developers, and release managers. > > > > > I think jack-audio-connection-kit and related packages should enter > > > mini-freeze, > > > to get something released to testing. > > > This is my (3rd?) update on the freeze status. > > > >From the look of it, jack-audio-connection-kit is waiting for > > ecasound2.2 -- latex2html problem (uploaded at urgency=HIGH, but python > seems to be broken) > removing this from testing will remove ecamegapedal, ecawave > also. > freqtweak -- waiting for fftw3 -- remove ? > alsa-lib -- only 5 days old. Removing this would be unreasonable > because alsa is required > for jack operation. > > > At the earliest jack-audio-connection-kit can go into testing after 5 days > > alsa-lib is ready > python is fixed and all buildds rebuild ecasound2.2, or > ecasound2.2, ecamegapedal, ecawave is removed from testing > freqtweak is removed from testing
Hi, Do we agree on removing packages in order to get JACK into testing ? As we have to discuss this with the affected maintainers, I'm CC'ing this to Enrique, who is the maintainer of freqtweak. Do we have a plan how to handle this with future JACK packages ? I think that it would be better to include the strict dependency rules in the packages instead of forcing them by the naming scheme of the JACK libraries. Several of the packages that rely on JACK only use a subset of its API, and therefore work across several releases. Others don't (e.g. those including the transport API), they have to depend on specific libjack versions. This would at least reduce the amount of packages that depend on specific JACK versions. Regards, Guenter