On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 10:31:40AM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 20:02, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > - Installing the new version of heimdal in testing breaks the version of
> >   postgresql currently in testing.  The version of postgresql in
> >   unstable no longer depends on heimdal (it uses MIT Kerberos instead),
> >   so it doesn't have to go in at the same time as the above three
> >   packages -- it can go in before them, when it's ready.

> > - Postgresql is currently not ready, because it's held up by perl.
> >   There are two outstanding bugs on perl due to unexpected ABI breakage
> >   in perl 5.8.1.  The perl maintainers are working on reverting this
> >   breakage, and I would estimate 2-3 weeks for the fix to reach the
> >   archive (and 2 days after that to reach testing).  Interested parties
> >   can find the discussion on debian-perl@lists.debian.org if you would
> >   like to lend a hand with the package preparation/testing.

> > Please consider this an invitation to a mini-freeze for these packages,

> If I rightly understand this, postgresql must go into testing before
> heimdal.  Postgresql is held up by perl so I have some leeway, but I
> shouldn't make an upload that is likely to keep things waiting beyond
> the 16 to 23 days that it will take perl to go in.

> Is that correct?

That's the idea.  The safest policy is to simply not upload at all;
between accidentally introducing new dependencies on libraries that
are not yet valid candidates, and accidentally introducing new RC bugs
that would take time to be figured out, there's a lot that could go
wrong at just the wrong time.  After the current version makes it into
testing, you will most likely have time again to get another package in
before sarge is cut; but at the moment, the best thing you could do to
help postgresql along for sarge would be to work on perl instead. ;)

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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