Anthony Towns wrote:
>        56472 [       ] zinf: Segfaults in Huffman code on PowerPC

A patch has been uploaded.  I think I will do a NMU since the maintainer
has not responded.

>        80888 [  H  SU] Multiple buffer overflows in dnrd

I'm not going to fix this bug.  The program uses a very dangerous style
of programming, IMHO.  While I couldn't find any obvious security holes
after looking over the source I'm sure there some.  Fixing it would
require many hours of work and I'm to prepared to do that for a package
that no one I know is using.

>       119851 [       ] missing /usr/lib/gap4/src/config.h

I uploaded a patch.  I will do a NMU as soon as I get time.

>       143852 [       ] lsbdev: prevents rpm upgrade

I suggested a fix for this bug (see the archive).  If no one responds I
will do some more work to see if the fix is workable.


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