I don't understand you. I have only XKB lt keymap file (it should be included in xlib6g_3.3.6 package in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ directory). This is modified from XConsortium, because original not work with potato (I think potato Xserver does not support ISO-8859-13).
I don't have any patch :)

>> There are no lithuanian keymap for XFree 3.3.6 in potato rev.2. I
>> would like you to include it in potato rev.3. I have working keymap
>> and I can send it to you (it should be included in xlib6g
>> 3.3.6). Lithuanian users has many lithuanisation related problems
>> becouse there are many lithuanian keymaps which are not working
>> corectly with potato. It's is difficult to find the right one. It
>> would be good to improve situation... :)
>If you send a patch to debian-boot@lists.debian.org we can try to
>integrate that.

Attachment: lt_xkb_keymap.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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