Okay, I'm assuming Ben's already asleep (and that Phil ought to be :).

Some CDs for TC3 would be nice. Just regular, working, bootable, CDs
with all the .deb's and Packages files and what-not are all that's
*needed*. What would be desirable is:

        * dedication.txt included in / on the CDs. This file is
          currently in debian/doc/ on the ftp site, and probably needs
          to be put in / on the CDs, with doc/dedication.txt being a
          symlink back (so DOS users can deal)

        * common CD #2 and #3 between US and non-US

I think Ben's modified debian-cd so the former works, and I suspect
Phil's the only one that can really get the latter to work easily (not
being in the US and all).

Note also that the latest release notes (and dedication.txt) missed the
mirror pulse, so ideally don't try to build CDs until you're properly
synced with auric (or you're building CDs on auric).

If y'all could work something out and get up to date CDs built by the
18:00GMT deadline tomorrow that'd be nice. There shouldn't be any more
changes to the archive at all for TC3.

If these can then be put on ftp.debian.org and cdimage.debian.org and all
the other CD mirrors we have that'd be great.

Note that these CDs should end up being almost identical with the final
potato CDs. The only changes should be updated release notes, probably
including a bunch of new translations. Note that these CDs will probably
be handed out en masse for regular people as well as alpha testers.


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

  ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.
                 We believe in: rough consensus and working code.''
                                      -- Dave Clark

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