Well. Sheesh! Tony,

First, "Thank you" for being so forthcoming.

Then just "Thank you." for your work.

I will lay off a little bit from an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' on Potato
(not Frozen, sorry I never have gotten the hang of that distinction),
until you are sure about what is up there.

I have a little Woody (which I really neeeeeeded) mixed in with mostly

Anyway, I cannot thank you hard working people enough for providing a
Linux that is aware that some of us out here just want to compute.

Please keep doing what you do so well.



Anthony Towns wrote:
> Hello world,
> With xfree86 uploaded and installed, we've hopefully finished all
> the source level changes for test cycle three, and hence, hopefully,
> for potato.
> What does this mean?
> First, it means the various architectures are just about out of time to
> recompile binaries. You've got until about 18:00 Monday, GMT to do this.
> As far as changed packages in TC3 go, see [0]. There's not too much more
> that needs to do in general. Note that anything not done by 18:00 Monday
> probably won't make it at all.
> Second, it means we need a final set of release notes for TC3. These will
> need to be updated again after TC3 to document any further problems we
> have, of course, but the TC3 release notes will need to be ready by around
> 16:00 Monday, GMT.
> Third, it means we'll need to start generating CDs after this. These will
> hopefully be available on ftp.debian.org around 18:00 Tuesday, GMT, and
> will hopefully include up to date binaries and release notes.
> Fourth, if tradition holds, it probably means various .debian.org will
> start exploding or catching fire, so if you've got physical access to
> such a machine, take care, okay?
> As far as further changes to potato go, there are two known (and
> unresolved) security issues: a not particularly exploitable remote denial
> of service in inn2 (66638), and a remote-access-to-user's-files bug in
> gnapster (67554). The remaining bugs will need to wait for an additional
> test cycle (if such a thing happens) or a point release of potato to be
> included. Sorry.
> Cheers,
> aj
> [0] http://auric.debian.org/~ajt/uptodateness.html
>     (Updated a little while after dinstall runs)
> --
> Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
> I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.
>   ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.
>                  We believe in: rough consensus and working code.''
>                                       -- Dave Clark
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

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