On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 01:53:12PM +0000, Mark Brown wrote:

> Which only appeared with 2.1r5?  Strange indeed.  Can you report a bug
> if you want me to look at it, please?

I've tried, but I can't reproduce it. I wanted to connect to
news.megasys.it (public news server, probably) and I have a segmentation
fault. Then I did it again and no problem. And the same thing with another
server I don't remember now. 

> I'm aware of that - those are there for people who encounter the random
> segfaults that prevent them from using it but which either don't have a
> small enough fix or are too unusual to warrant an upload to stable.

Yes, I hope this is only a problem for me, or only from a particular news
server I've tried to connect to. :)

BTW, if I can be more precise, I'll report a bug.


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