On Sat, Oct 02, 1999 at 04:50:49PM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:

> Right now the candidate as I understand it is 2.2.12, since 2.2.10 had
> security problems and 2.2.11 had critical fs bugs.

Don't forget 2.2.12 has the slow page cache leak as detailed on
<URL:http://www.linux.org.uk/VERSION/relnotes.2212.html> -- there's a patch
there too.

    "But we're a university.  We /have/ to have a library!..."said Ridcully,
         "What sort of people would we be if we didn't go into the library?"
    "Students", said the Senior Wrangler, morosely. [TP: The Last Continent]

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