Hi Xavier,

On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 09:45:52AM +0200, Xavier Roche wrote:
> Hmm, it is a *bit* late, but would it be possible to allow httrack
> 3.33.16-1 to enter testing ?

> A serious bug was reported 30/05, that causes excessive bandwidth
> consumption, when mirroring certain sites in commandline mode, if no
> monitoring of the download is made. After few days of investigation, the
> problem was detected, fixed, and the fix tested. The problem only concerns
> the commandline version (most users are using the 'GUI' version, not
> affeted by the problem), so this is not a critical issue (but it would be
> good to include it anyway)

Sorry, the archive has already been locked down for CD mastering and symlink
changes for the sarge release.

I'm not sure why "excessive bandwidth consumption" would be RC, in any case;
does this actually mean "consumes all available bandwidth", or something
like that?

> Sorry for the last-minute patch (final freeze is Jun 6 ?)

No, the *release* is scheduled for Jun 6. :)

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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