
On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 09:27:03PM -0300, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> As was reported in [1], an incompatibility between oregano and libcairo was
> introduced with the upload of libcairo1 version 0.4.  We've been chasing
> this bug for a while, and since we could find no fix, oregano was removed
> from testing a couple of days ago.

> But today, finally, upstream managed to patch the program so that it behaves
> correctly.  The patched (and tested) package has just been uploaded into
> unstable, thanks to Jordi Mallach.

> It should be building soon.  And thus I'm asking you to please let it go
> into testing again.  The patch submitted by upstream is included in the bug
> report. The changelog is just one line and the patch was added to the package 
> as a cdbs-simplepatch.

> By the way, if it's worth anything, oregano was present in woody, and it's
> the only program that can handle both schematic capture and circuit
> simulation in an integrated environment.

Looks like there's a new RC bug against the package that will need to be
fixed first.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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