It is a *serious policy violation*. I've been talking with the
ftpparse lists and it turns out that there is a replacement in the
program ftpcopy (search google). I haven't verified it though. Here's
my analysis of the problems:
* Commercial use requires contacting author (no specific DFSG
violation, but still makes it nonfree in my opinion)
* Doesn't give explicit permission to modify or redistribute (serious
violation of DFSGs #1 and 3)
* prozilla uses an unmodified version, elinks uses a modified version.
* This is still a release blocker in my opinion


On 5/22/05, Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, May 22, 2005 at 09:23:11AM +1000, Andrew Donnellan wrote:
> > The latest sarge elinks still has the code
> Which is exactly what I have said...
> > On 5/21/05, Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Shouldn't this have been fixed by  0.10.4-1? This would leave the issue
> > > open for sarge still but probably one could backport that change...
> Gruesse,
> --
> Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> www:

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