Am Samstag, 21. Mai 2005 15:59 schrieb Steve Langasek:
> The only sane way to get 2.2.0-5 back into testing now would be with an
> epoched upload to unstable.  I'd still be happy to let it into sarge if you
> wanted to do this, as I agree with those who say it's an important piece of
> software; even so, bringing the package back any other way than through
> unstable just has too much risk.
I have now put some packages together, which are based on 2.2.0-5, include the 
latest security fix and now have an epoch. Besides that, only minor changes 
(e.g. in debian/control) to fix some bugs (e.g. libcurl2-dev build dependeny, 
ike-server conflict). They are now at

If anybody wants to give them a try, it would be much appreciated. I have 
tested them with a 2.6.11 kernel without problems and verified that 
openswan-modules-source and kernel-patch-openswan at least build cleanly with 
the current 2.4.27-2 kernel source from testing. I have not yet tried those 
kernels due to missing test environment right now, but I expect them to work 
(since I do use 2.2.0-X on production boxes with custom 2.4.X kernels).

with best regards,

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