Hi folks,

Thank you all for volunteering to help with upgrade report processing.  If
you haven't yet done so, please make sure you're subscribed to the
debian-testing mailing list, as that's where all bug reports against the
upgrade-reports package will be sent.

For those of you who aren't developers, you will want to make sure you're
familiar with the developers' information about the Debian BTS, at
<http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer> and

You can see on bug #309340 today some examples of the kinds of things that
need to be done to process bug reports:

  If you identify a bug in the upgrade report that needs to be assigned to a
  particular package, clone the bug and reassign the cloned bug to the
  package in question, providing as much information to the maintainer of
  that package as you can.

  Repeat for all the upgrade bugs found in the report.

  Once there are no bugs left in the report, close the bug and thank the
  submitter for his help in testing sarge.

It's straightforward work, though not necessarily fun work. :)  If you are
unsure about what package is responsible for a particular bug, please follow
up to the bug and ask.  While I don't intend to have much of a direct hand
in processing upgrade reports, I am subscribed to debian-testing, and I (as
well as your fellows and other members of the release team, I'm sure) will
be happy to help if you get stuck.

Also, please pay particular attention to whether the submitter used the
procedure recommended in the release notes when upgrading.  Some package
removals *may* indicate bugs that we should try to fix, but some may be a
side-effect of using apt-get (with a less robust conflict resolver) instead
of aptitude when upgrading.  Most others are likely to be removals of
obsolete packages; e.g., the removal of a no-longer-needed library is not a
bug, so please don't report it as one.

Last, but not least, it's likely that some users will report issues to us
which are obviously not fixable in packages, but can only be documented in
the release notes.  Please don't hesitate to let the debian-doc list know
about such problems.

If you have any questions, just ask.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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