On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 02:24:01AM -0400, Eric Dorland wrote:
> > On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 01:23:36AM -0400, Eric Dorland wrote:
> > > Although not reported as a bug, openct 0.6.2 (the version in testing)
> > > needed a soname bump but didn't get it. 0.6.4 fixes that problem, and
> > > since opensc and openct are somewhat codependent, the latest version
> > > of it should go in as well.

> > Are there packages in testing which depend on openct and are currently built
> > against the wrong ABI?  Otherwise, given that this ABI is already in
> > testing, how much does it really matter whether the soname is "right" -- is
> > there a compatibility issue with other distros?

> I suppose it's not the end of the world, but if any non-free programs
> use it (there aren't any that I know of, but I don't know
> everything). There may be a compatibility issue with other distros,
> but I haven't investigated.

The worst-case scenario is that someone out there is distributing
third-party binaries that require a pre-0.6.2 libct0, which then don't work
because Debian's libopenct0 has a namespace collision with the library it
needs.  If this doesn't seem likely to you, I think we're better off not
worrying about it at this point.

The case of someone distributing binaries requiring libopenct1 seems to be
much more straightforward, since the user can create a local symlink
pointing libopenct1 at the existing libopenct.so.0.

> PS While I have your attention, please dump ferite from testing. It's
> totally broken and I don't have the time or inclination to fix
> it. Nobody's using it so no big loss. 

Ok, done. :)

> PPS Firefox 1.0.4 should be release Real Soon Now(TM), it will need a
> shove into testing. I'll keep you posted. 


Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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