|| On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 16:31:56 +0000
|| Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

sm> On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 05:17:01PM +0100, Anreas Barth wrote:
>> * Steve McIntyre ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050121 17:10]:
>>> It's now over 4 weeks since the last release update on Monday 20th
>>> December. Where are we up to?
>> The update is already pending. There were two weeks since last update
>> with not much happening (means Christmas and New Year), and so the
>> current update is a bit delayed.
>> My personal goal is to send out an update each (calender) month, and I'm
>> very confident that we'll match that.

sm> I appreciate the effort that's going into the release updates, but
sm> don't you think monthly is a little too spread out? There's no sense
sm> of progress towards a release _at all_ at the moment, and this is
sm> disillusioning lots of people.

Could be good to people have a report with all thinks solved and
started in past mouth.

A lot of people doesn't know what isn't finished yet and pending for
the release.

Another possibility is after sarge goes out we start to have a report,
like each two mouths, of what we already did and what we need to
finish to have a new release. It can make the things faster. Maybe.

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