Processing commands for > reassign 845322 qt5-style-plugins 5.0.0-1 Bug #845322 [libqt5core5a] libqt5core5a: Upgrading QT5 libs to 5.7.1 breaks desktop appearance consistency Bug reassigned from package 'libqt5core5a' to 'qt5-style-plugins'. No longer marked as found in versions qtbase-opensource-src/5.7.1~20161021+dfsg-5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #845322 to the same values previously set Bug #845322 [qt5-style-plugins] libqt5core5a: Upgrading QT5 libs to 5.7.1 breaks desktop appearance consistency Marked as found in versions qtstyleplugins-src/5.0.0-1. > forcemerge 843257 845322 Bug #843257 [qt5-style-plugins] No GTK style Bug #845322 [qt5-style-plugins] libqt5core5a: Upgrading QT5 libs to 5.7.1 breaks desktop appearance consistency 847482 was blocked by: 843257 822246 847482 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 847482: 845322 Merged 843257 845322 > -- Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 843257: 845322: 847482: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems