Your message dated Sat, 4 Jun 2016 17:48:00 +0200 (CEST)
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#825891: kio-extras: Breaks kactivities, leading to 
plasma-{workspace,desktop} removal
has caused the Debian Bug report #825891,
regarding kio-extras: Breaks kactivities, leading to plasma-{workspace,desktop} 
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Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: kio-extras
Version: 4:16.04.1-1

Trying to upgrade from 4:15.08.3-2 wants to remove plasma-workspace
(and thus plasma-desktop and kde-plasma-desktop), because the latter
Depends on kactivities which the newer kio-extras version Breaks but
does not Provides.

tarent solutions GmbH
Rochusstraße 2-4, D-53123 Bonn •
Tel: +49 228 54881-393 • Fax: +49 228 54881-235
HRB 5168 (AG Bonn) • USt-ID (VAT): DE122264941
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Stefan Barth, Kai Ebenrett, Boris Esser, Alexander Steeg

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
¡Hola Maximiliano!

> kactivities was replaced by kactivitymanagerd. The new plasma-desktop (that
> I've just uploaded) adds the missing dependency.
> Happy hacking,


tarent solutions GmbH
Rochusstraße 2-4, D-53123 Bonn •
Tel: +49 228 54881-393 • Fax: +49 228 54881-235
HRB 5168 (AG Bonn) • USt-ID (VAT): DE122264941
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Stefan Barth, Kai Ebenrett, Boris Esser, Alexander Steeg

--- End Message ---

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