Package: kdm
Version: 4:4.11.13-2

Dear maintainers,

After one changes KDM configuration in /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc and runs
`invoke-rc.d kdm reload', KDM keeps using the old configuration.

The reason for such behavior is the configuration file logic used in the
init script, when /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc is used only as a source for
generating the "real" configuration file /var/run/kdm/kdmrc, which is
the only configuration file KDM watches and reloads.

I've attached a trivial patch, which makes the init script regenerate the
configuration file at reload, which solves the issue.

Алексей Шилин
diff -aNru kde-workspace-4.11.13.orig/debian/kdm.init kde-workspace-4.11.13/debian/kdm.init
--- kde-workspace-4.11.13.orig/debian/kdm.init	2015-07-01 08:11:40.725609370 +0000
+++ kde-workspace-4.11.13/debian/kdm.init	2015-07-01 08:12:19.009611828 +0000
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
+    setup_config
     log_action_begin_msg "Reloading K Display Manager configuration..."
     if start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet $SSD_ARGS; then
       log_action_end_msg 0

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