Hello Debian Qt/KDE maintenance team,
I am packaging the HsQML[0] library on behalf of the Debian Haskell Group. HsQML is a Haskell binding for Qt Quick and used to create QML GUI's in Haskell. HsQML relies on certain qt5 tools such as moc in the PATH in order to build and in order to build other applications using HsQML as a library. My problem is that only the qt5-default package seems to provide this. Of course, adding qt5-default to the package depends will throw a Lintian error: https://lintian.debian.org/tags/build-depends-on-metapackage.html I'm sure this is not the first time this has been asked but I couldn't find any concrete information to solve this. Currently, my packaging is at: darcs.debian.org:/darcs/pkg-haskell/haskell-hsqml Any advice on what would be best practice? [0] - https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hsqml Thanks, -- Christopher Reichert irc: creichert gpg: C81D 18C8 862A 3618 1376 FFA5 6BFC A992 9955 929B
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