
El Jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013 20:28:45 Maximiliano Curia escribió:
> Hi,
> Sorry about the missing pushes in the calligra repo. I've just merged the
> current upload with the current head.

  It's been unfortunate that we were both working on the same thing at the 
same time without knowing. Not a big deal, specially considering my low 
involvement. Maybe I could have simply voiced myself a little more.

> About the change: Move libcalligrakdgantt to calligra-libs from 
> Please remember to add a Conflicts Replaces to do a smooth upgrade.

  Yup! You're right. That was just a first approach, I'd have to ask upstream 
to confirm. kdgantt is located at 3rdparty directory on upstream source, hence 
I thought calligra-libs was the right place. Anyway maybe we can target for 
calligra 2.8.0 for this move.

  One more thing. What's the eigen3 patch current status with respect to 
upstream? Has it already been submitted/talked/approved?

> Happy hacking,

  HH to you too :)

     Raúl Sánchez Siles
----->Proud Debian user<-----
Linux registered user #416098

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