On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 04:41:16PM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> On 2008-07-02 14:56 +0200, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 11:26:01AM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> >> The workaround is to edit ~/.kde/share/config/kio_httprc and add a line
> >> with
> >> 
> >> Languages=de;q=1.0, en;q=0.5
> >> 
> >> or similar to give German a higher priority than English.  Not exactly
> >> userfriendly, and the preferred language should really be taken from the
> >> locale settings. :-/
> >
> > I am assuming you have set in: Settins -> configure konqueror then "Browse
> > Identification" mark "Add language information" and it does not work :?
> Correct, that does not help.  This setting only changes the User-Agent
> string (it adds the country code to it) but not the Accept-Language
> string that konqueror sends to the web server.
> Here are my results for the Accept-Language string on
> http://kluge.in-chemnitz.de/tools/browser.php:
> Iceweasel: de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
> Konqueror without setting in kio_httprc: de, en
> Konqueror with setting in kio_httprc: de;q=1.0, en;q=0.5
> So by default konqueror does not prefer German over English in a German
> locale, and the web server is then free to send the document in either
> language.

I see, thank you for merging all the bugs!
I do not have any problem in keeping the bug open, I closed it in first
instace because if i can not reproduce the bug and user does not answer with
more info it is a dead end, and it does not make too much sense keep it open.

It will be closed if it works with KDE 4, like fixed in kde 4 version, but
will reman open forever in KDE 3 versions until this is removed from the


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