Dear Pierre:

  I have had the same problem in kate, not only in kwrite. I was then editing 
the karm calendar file. It was a very simple editing, just search and modify 
some lines.

  FYI, I'm on Linux patched with suspend2.2.2.1. If you think this 
problem should be treated by the upstreams maintainer I can contact them 
directly if you deem it necessary.

El Martes, 23 de Mayo de 2006 14:32, Pierre Habouzit escribió:
> Le Mar 23 Mai 2006 13:16, Raúl Sánchez Siles a écrit :
> >   Tell me if this backtrace could be more useful. I think is related
> > to same problem since it is what I got after pressing the save
> > button, althought the actions from inside kwrite weren't similar but
> > not identical.
> yes this one is. when did you had the problem ? hitting the save button
> am I right ?
> do you have any special setup (like NFS, fam/no fam, ...) that could
> help us understand the issue here ?

Raúl Sánchez Siles

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