control: reassign -1 desktop-base

Hi Jonathan.

Le 7 mars 2025 19:58:26 GMT+01:00, Jonathan Dowland <> a écrit :


>An install on top of a freshly installed Trixie system (with only standard
>packages) results in a taskbar with two broken launchers: one for
>systemsettings.desktop (shipped in the systemsettings package) and another for
> (shipped in the plasma-discover package).

Thanks for you bug report.

My guess is that I need to adapt the default user config that we ship in 
desktop-base for various desktop environments.

The conf currently shipping is still identical to bookworm but the whole plasma 
stack changed from 5 to 6 in the meantime and probably needs updates.

If you happen to be interested in foxing it for everyone you can have a look at 

Last time I got most of the inspiration from what the kubuntu people do in 
their kubuntu-settings packages :

Hally hacking,

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