Processing commands for

> reassign 1084388 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084388 [src:uzbek-wordlist] uzbek-wordlist: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Bug reassigned from package 'src:uzbek-wordlist' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions uzbek-wordlist/0.6-7.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084388 to the same values 
previously set
> affects 1048488 src:uzbek-wordlist
Bug #1048488 [src:python-django-colorfield] python-django-colorfield: Fails to 
build source after successful build
Added indication that 1048488 affects src:uzbek-wordlist
> reassign 1084253 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084253 [src:espa-nol] espa-nol: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data directory. 
Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Bug reassigned from package 'src:espa-nol' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions espa-nol/1.11-20.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084253 to the same values 
previously set
> found 1084253 src:espa-nol
Bug #1084253 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] espa-nol: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
There is no source info for the package 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools' at version 
'src:espa-nol' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version 'src:espa-nol'
Marked as found in versions src:espa-nol.
> reassign 1084266 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084266 [src:hkgerman] hkgerman: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data directory. 
Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Bug reassigned from package 'src:hkgerman' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions hkgerman/1:2-39.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084266 to the same values 
previously set
> affects 1084266 src:hkgerman
Bug #1084266 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hkgerman: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Added indication that 1084266 affects src:hkgerman
> reassign 1084268 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084268 [src:hunspell-ca] hunspell-ca: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Bug reassigned from package 'src:hunspell-ca' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions hunspell-ca/3.0.8+repack1-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084268 to the same values 
previously set
> reassign 1084269 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084269 [src:hunspell-dict-ko] hunspell-dict-ko: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Bug reassigned from package 'src:hunspell-dict-ko' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions hunspell-dict-ko/0.7.94-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084269 to the same values 
previously set
> reassign 1084270 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084270 [src:hunspell-en-med] hunspell-en-med: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Bug reassigned from package 'src:hunspell-en-med' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions hunspell-en-med/0.0.20140410-5.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084270 to the same values 
previously set
> reassign 1084272 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084272 [src:hunspell-eu] hunspell-eu: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Bug reassigned from package 'src:hunspell-eu' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions hunspell-eu/5.4.10-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084272 to the same values 
previously set
> reassign 1084273 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084273 [src:hunspell-kk] hunspell-kk: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Bug reassigned from package 'src:hunspell-kk' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions hunspell-kk/1.1.2-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084273 to the same values 
previously set
> reassign 1084274 qt6-webengine-dev-tools
Bug #1084274 [src:hunspell-lv] hunspell-lv: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Bug reassigned from package 'src:hunspell-lv' to 'qt6-webengine-dev-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions hunspell-lv/1.4.0-5.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1084274 to the same values 
previously set
> affects 1084268 src:hunspell-ca
Bug #1084268 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-ca: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Added indication that 1084268 affects src:hunspell-ca
> affects 1084269 src:hunspell-dict-ko
Bug #1084269 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-dict-ko: FTBFS: Couldn't find 
ICU data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Added indication that 1084269 affects src:hunspell-dict-ko
> affects 1084270 src:hunspell-en-med
Bug #1084270 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-en-med: FTBFS: Couldn't find 
ICU data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Added indication that 1084270 affects src:hunspell-en-med
> affects 1084272 src:hunspell-eu
Bug #1084272 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-eu: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Added indication that 1084272 affects src:hunspell-eu
> affects 1084273 src:hunspell-kk
Bug #1084273 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-kk: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Added indication that 1084273 affects src:hunspell-kk
> affects 1084274 src:hunspell-lv
Bug #1084274 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-lv: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Added indication that 1084274 affects src:hunspell-lv
> forcemerge 1084290 1084276 1084388 1084266 1084268 1084269 1084270 1084272 
> 1084273 1084274
Bug #1084290 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] libreoffice-dictionaries: FTBFS: 
Couldn't find ICU data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Bug #1084276 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] igerman98: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Bug #1084269 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-dict-ko: FTBFS: Couldn't find 
ICU data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Removed indication that 1084269 affects src:hunspell-dict-ko
Added indication that 1084269 affects src:igerman98
Bug #1084272 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-eu: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Removed indication that 1084272 affects src:hunspell-eu
Added indication that 1084272 affects src:igerman98
Bug #1084268 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-ca: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Removed indication that 1084268 affects src:hunspell-ca
Added indication that 1084268 affects src:igerman98
Bug #1084266 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hkgerman: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Removed indication that 1084266 affects src:hkgerman
Added indication that 1084266 affects src:igerman98
Bug #1084274 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-lv: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Removed indication that 1084274 affects src:hunspell-lv
Added indication that 1084274 affects src:igerman98
Bug #1084270 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-en-med: FTBFS: Couldn't find 
ICU data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Removed indication that 1084270 affects src:hunspell-en-med
Added indication that 1084270 affects src:igerman98
Bug #1084388 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] uzbek-wordlist: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Added indication that 1084388 affects src:igerman98
Bug #1084273 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] hunspell-kk: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU 
data directory. Please check that the following path exists: 
Removed indication that 1084273 affects src:hunspell-kk
Added indication that 1084273 affects src:igerman98
Bug #1084276 [qt6-webengine-dev-tools] igerman98: FTBFS: Couldn't find ICU data 
directory. Please check that the following path exists: /usr/share/qt6/resources
Merged 1084266 1084268 1084269 1084270 1084272 1084273 1084274 1084276 1084290 
End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
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