On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 01:14:30PM +0200, Hervé Eychenne wrote: > > After a click on Bookmarks menu, the opening of the Bookmarks takes > > something like 2s, which is quite slow. > > If I click on "Go" menu and drags the mouse to the right (on Bookmarks > > menu entry), then the opening is really instantaneous. > > Something must be wrong (it was the same with kde 3.1.5). > > (Maybe this difference can be better showed when bookmark file is big)
> When accessing bookmarks via the menu obtained by right-clicking > on the desktop, I noticed that the display of the bookmark window is really > slow when you point directly on the "Bookmarks" entry (of the desktop > menu), whereas it is quick when the mouse pointer first goes on > another menu entry (for example "Create New") _that opens a submenu_. > I mean, when I first pass on "Run Command", which opens no submenu, > then going upper on "Bookmarks" shows a slow behaviour. > But first going on "Create New", _waiting for the submenu to open_, > then going down on "Bookmarks" opens the bookmark submenu much faster (as > it should be). > So I think this bug is definitely related to some submenu > display/initialization concerns. Please note: I just upgraded to KDE 3.3.1 (testing), and the bug is still there. > This bug is now 2 months old. Has it been tagged upstream and forwarded > to upstream? That does not seem to me... > Can I ask you a simple question: Why? 247 days after, this question remains the same, and is still unanswered... :-( Herve