Hi everybody, Georges Da Costa wrote:
> Kdm does not set the environment variable XAUTHORITY > to $HOME/.Xauthority when it is not already set. > As it is done by startx and gdm I suppose it should > do it. The behavior of kdm, xdm, startx is everytime the same. Usually they create the file $HOME/.Xauthority to grant access to X to the user and do not set the XAUTHORITY environment variable. Only if they cannot write to $HOME/.Xauthority, this file will be created elsewhere (e.g. /tmp) and $XAUTHORITY will be set to it. How gdm handle this i don't know, but xdm, startx and kdm does so (on my computers) and this behavior is described in the xdm man page. I think, this is not a bug. A simple work around to set the variable is to put if [[ -z $XAUTHORITY ]]; then export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority; fi; in the $HOME/.bashrc file. Best regards, Olaf Märker. -- +++ Sparen Sie mit GMX DSL +++ http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl AKTION für Wechsler: DSL-Tarife ab 3,99 EUR/Monat + Startguthaben