Hi, I just reproduced the bug. Both with korganizer and kontact, so it must be a problem on the common KPart they share for the calendar function.
How to reproduce it: 1) Create a new 'contact' resource on an LDAP source (from kcontrol, kaddressbook, etc) if you don't have one. 2) Create a random event on korganizer if you don't have one. Then, close korganizer. 3) Launch korganizer and double click on the event. It crashes. If you remove the LDAP contact resource, calendar stops crashing the application. So, the mere presence of said resource will get you a crash. I also found that using the right-click way to edit the event instead of double-clicking on it works (ie., doesn't crash). Once you have succesfully launched the edit dialog and in advance, you can happily double-click on any event without a crash, so I'd suggest it as a temporary workaround while it gets fixed. Regards, Ricardo