Hi all! The gcc-3.4/libunwind transition having happened on Dec 31st, KDE 3.3 is mostly ready to enter sarge. In this mail, I will make a summary of the last issues that need to be addressed:
(a) #266478, the dummy bug "new kdelibs should not enter testing alone", should be closed now. If some RM mails to -done, that would be nice. (But see (d) below - I have not already closed it since I wanted some feedback first.) (b) kdeedu is missing a mipsel build. This is a timeout issue, which needs to be increased. kdeedu was retried on mipsel on Dec 25th, but with the timeout unchanged, so Andreas Barth offered to do a porter build+upload. Yesterday, he told me he was starting the build with a 1500 min. timeout. This is the biggest stopper atm, aiui. (c) Unless some RM objects, the latest security bugs won't get fixed before the transition, and uploads to address them will be done shortly after the transition with urgency=high. I talked to Andreas about this too, and he agreed to it since all the vulnerabilities are present in the current sarge packages as well. We now request for instructions about how to proceed so that the affected bugs are not included in the RC bug count. One of: 1. <vorlon> those security bugs will have to be temporarily downgraded 2. <vorlon> the only other way is to use force hints, and using force hints would override the safety we were trying to put in place. 3. <calc> you could set a temporary sarge-ignore tag? 4. <dato> or temporaly leave all of them as +sarge only, right? (but: <vorlon> I think I prefer to lie about the severity rather than lie about the tags; Kamion may have a different opinion as a bugmaster.) The bugs in question are these (all of them are tagged sarge,sid): #285128: kdelibs: CAN-2004-1165: FTP command injection bug #286516: kdebase: CAN-2004-1158: Konqueror Window Injection Vuln. #286521: kdelibs: CAN-2004-1145: Konqueror Java Vulnerability (d) Given the number of packges that are stalled by kdelibs [1] and not covered by this transition (i.e., not in the hands of the KDE packagers), I expressed two concerns back in November [last section of 2]. [1] http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?waiting=kdelibs [2]http://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2004/11/msg00154.html The first concern, "one has really to check that the existing version in sarge will work correctly in a KDE 3.3 environment, as newer versions may or may not make sarge", can be considered solved: we received positive feedback from users that had upgraded their KDE to 3.3 in sarge systems. As for the second concern, I'm only mildly drawing some attention from RMs to it: kdelibs entering sarge will mean a bunch of packages with *big* differences migrating, so I always thought that the Release Team would prefer these migrations to happen smoothly, and semi-controlled (plus what I say in the mail), and the only scheme I could came up with was the mass bug-filing. So please, just let us know what to do about this. Cheers. -- dato, on behalf of the KDE Packaging Team -- Adeodato Simó EM: asp16 [ykwim] alu.ua.es | PK: DA6AE621 Listening to: isan - cutlery favours The first step on the road to wisdom is the admission of ignorance. The second step is realizing that you don't have to blab it to the world.