On Sunday, 2 de January de 2005 18:03, Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA wrote:
> > Could you please write a sequence on how to reproduce the bug? I am
> > trying to do it but fail to.
> 1. run kregexpeditor
> 2. click a button of `Positive Look Ahead' or `Negative Look Ahead'
>    in the toolbar
> 3. click in the gray area
> 4. right click the `Pos. Look Ahead' (or `Neg. Look Ahread')
> 5. select `Edit' in the context menu
> Then kregexpeditor writes `This method should be overridden if needed!'
> and exits.

Ok, I am able to reproduce it. I'll have a look at the source code and 

 temp: http://temp.roncero.org
 Out: 12.31 ºC --  In: 21.12 ºC

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