Just to make sure our irc-talk is not lost:

14:10 < aba> _rene_: I think we should continue the discussion here :) (for the 
rest of you: There is a file conflict between kde3.3 and OOo in testing)
14:11 < aba> we need to fix that _before_ KDE3.3 may enter testing.
14:11 < _rene_> that would break sid's openoffice.org-mimelnk :-)
14:11 < _rene_> if kde removes those files that is
14:12 < _rene_> and kde should keep those files....
14:12 < aba> well, other ways are e.g. to fix OOo so that OOo and KDE3.3 can 
enter together.
14:12 < _rene_> I am just working on -4
14:12 < aba> good. But I think this calls for an conflict between KDE3.3 and 
OOo in testing.
14:13 < _rene_> iirc kde Replaces: -mimelnk
14:13 < _rene_> no, it doesn't anymore...
14:14 < aba> even if it does - wouldn't help if people install KDE3.3 first, 
and OOo later.
14:14 < _rene_> right
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