Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > clone 269519 -1 Bug#269519: kshisen: desktop file Exec option should not contain full path to command Bug 269519 cloned as bug 270945.
> severity 269519 important Bug#269519: kshisen: desktop file Exec option should not contain full path to command Severity set to `important'. > reassign -1 kicker Bug#270945: kshisen: desktop file Exec option should not contain full path to command Bug reassigned from package `kshisen' to `kicker'. > retitle -1 kicker broken when .desktop file includes an absolute path Bug#270945: kshisen: desktop file Exec option should not contain full path to command Changed Bug title. > thanks Stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. Debian bug tracking system administrator (administrator, Debian Bugs database)