tags 263895 + patch
thanks mate


According to upstream's BTS, this crash was introduced in kmcommands.cpp
revision (BARNCH) / 1.155 (HEAD) with the following change:

--- kdepim/kmail/kmcommands.cpp 2004/06/12 13:46:48
+++ kdepim/kmail/kmcommands.cpp 2004/06/28 14:57:58
@@ -552,7 +552,9 @@ KMShowMsgSrcCommand::KMShowMsgSrcCommand
 void KMShowMsgSrcCommand::execute()
   KMMessage *msg = retrievedMessage();
-  QString str = QString::fromLatin1( msg->asString() );
+  QString str = QTextCodec::codecForName(  msg->charset().isEmpty() ?
+                QCString( kmkernel->networkCodec()->mimeName() ) :
+                msg->charset() )->toUnicode( msg->asString() );
   MailSourceViewer *viewer = new MailSourceViewer(); // deletes itself
upon close
   viewer->setCaption( i18n("Message as Plain Text") );

The crash was then fixed three days later in 1.556 (HEAD):

--- kdepim/kmail/kmcommands.cpp 2004/06/25 08:06:13     1.155
+++ kdepim/kmail/kmcommands.cpp 2004/06/28 17:31:17     1.156
@@ -616,9 +616,7 @@ KMShowMsgSrcCommand::KMShowMsgSrcCommand
 KMCommand::Result KMShowMsgSrcCommand::execute()
   KMMessage *msg = retrievedMessage();
-  QString str = QTextCodec::codecForName(  msg->charset().isEmpty() ?
-                QCString( kmkernel->networkCodec()->mimeName() ) :
-                msg->charset() )->toUnicode( msg->asString() );
+  QString str = msg->codec()->toUnicode( msg->asString() );
   MailSourceViewer *viewer = new MailSourceViewer(); // deletes itself
upon close
   viewer->setCaption( i18n("Message as Plain Text") );

I expect the exact same patch applied to 3.2.3 will fix the problem there.


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