severity 265892 grave

>From the mail that downgraded this bug:

<--  snip  -->

  this is all because  kdelibs-bin, kdelibs4, kdelibs-data do
  "Replace: korganizer (<< 4:3.3.0)" but don't conflict with it.

  (which it may be justified, since using the corresponding Conflicts
  line would prevent anyone from using the uploaded KDE 3.3 parts until
  kdepim 3.3 gets available, which will take a while since it requires
  NEW processing. and kdepim 3.2.3 was uploaded on Aug 3rd, so many
  people won't see this problem).

  as for the solution, I recommend the following to anyone reading this:

    # dpkg  --force-overwrite -i korganizer_3.2.3-1_i386.deb
    # apt-get install --reinstall kdelibs-bin kdelibs4 kdelibs-data

  thanks all for your patience,

<--  snip  -->

If this is a bug in kdelibs-bin, kdelibs4 and kdelibs-data, RC bugs 
should be filed against them.

"--force-overwrite" is not a solution, not even a workaround - it's only 
a justification for a RC bug.

If the KDE 3.3 in unstable is currently partly broken, a Conflicts 
preventing an upgrade is definitely better than a failure during 


BTW: I'm not subscribed to debian-release.


       "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
        of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
       "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
                                       Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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