CVS commit by mornfall: 

Fix the "show in new view" menu entry to work... Just a temporary hack
anyway. Frowning upon namespace "support" in signal/slot framework.

  M +2 -2      kapture/kapture.cpp   1.38
  M +2 -1      libkapture/listtreeview.cpp   1.23

--- kdenonbeta/kdedebian/kapture/kapture/kapture.cpp  #1.37:1.38
@@ -226,6 +226,6 @@ TreeView *Kapture::addView (const char *
     connect (v, SIGNAL (elemSelected (capture::CElemPtr)),
             KaptureManager::inst (), SIGNAL (showElem (capture::CElemPtr)));
-    connect (v, SIGNAL (newViewRequested (CElemPtr)),
-            this, SLOT (newElemView (CElemPtr)));
+    connect (v, SIGNAL (newViewRequested (capture::CElemPtr)),
+            this, SLOT (newElemView (capture::CElemPtr)));
     v -> setCaption (caption);
     dock -> manualDock (m_sumDock, KDockWidget::DockCenter);

--- kdenonbeta/kdedebian/kapture/libkapture/listtreeview.cpp  #1.22:1.23
@@ -24,5 +24,6 @@ ListTreeView::ListTreeView (QWidget *par
     connect (m_filter, SIGNAL (activated (const QString &)), this, SLOT 
(filterTypeChanged (const QString &)));
     connect (m_filterArg, SIGNAL (returnPressed ()), this, SLOT (rebuildTree 
-    connect (m_pkgList, SIGNAL (newViewRequested (CElemPtr)), this, SIGNAL 
(newViewRequested (CElemPtr)));
+    connect (m_pkgList, SIGNAL (newViewRequested (capture::CElemPtr)), this,
+            SIGNAL (newViewRequested (capture::CElemPtr)));
     // connect (m_setup, SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (setupFilter ()));
     m_quickGrouper = new GrouperFactory ("PkgExistFilter");

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