On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 11:50:54AM +0200, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> On Monday 03 May 2004 21:18, Ross Boylan wrote:
> > Package: kdm
> > Version: 4:3.2.2-1
> > Severity: normal
> > 
> > I uncommented the first commented display line in /etc/kde3/kdm/Xservers:
> > :1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] reserve /usr/X11R6/bin/X -nolisten tcp :1 vt8
> > and did 
> >   invoke-rc.d kdm restart
> > 
> > Despite this /var/run/xdmctl/ only showed xdmctl and xdmctl-:0.
> Reserve is working fine here (can start other parallel session
> with k-menu -> 'Start new session'.  Nevertheless I only have

I don't see that option anywhere on my K-menu, either top level or
further down in any likely spot (system, utilities, control center).
I think I remember seeing it somewhere (on the kdm greeter?) and
wondering what it did.

Oh... maybe this only appears if you have a reserve session possible.
I may have seen it when I had one, and now it's gone because I removed
the reserve word since I couldn't make it work.

> xdmctl and xdmctl-:0 too.  When I start the first new session
> xdmctl-:1 is created.   So xdmctl-:? are only created when really
> used and not when defined in Xservers. 
> > 
> > As I understand it, there should have been an xdmctl-:1 to which I
> > could direct 
> >    echo reserve
> > to start up the second login screen.
> From my tests it looks like you miss understood something ;)
> > 
> > I also tried restarting my X server on vt7.  This didn't help.
> > 
> > I have xfree86-common version 4.3.0-7, and am in a mostly testing
> > system. 
> > 
> > I may not have understood how this is supposed to work, but this is
> > what I got from the docs.
> I had a look at the /usr/share/doc/kdm/README.gz and
>       echo reserve > /var/run/xdmctl/xdmctl-$DISPLAY
> works fine here (as user log in on $DISPLAY).  You should send
> the reserve command to the xdmctl file responsible for your display.

But there is no such file.  Or are you saying that to start session 1
I should send this to xdmctl-:0?

> I guess you get confused by the assumption that xdmctl
> file should exist for every reserve setting in Xservers.
Correct.  Since, as written, it appears you must send the "reserve"
command to the corresponding FIFO.

> If you've some suggestion how to enhance kdms README please
> send a patch.  Otherwise I suggest to close the bug report.

The fact that a bug report does not include a fix does not mean there
is no bug.  Short of a patch, I suggest the document should explain
how to make reserve work.

This would involve several elements:
1. How to get the "start a session" to appear on your menu.  I don't
know how.
2. Stating that to activate a reserve session you should invoke start
a session and then send the "reserve" command to the corresponding
FIFO (I'm assuming that's the correct method).
3. (Optional) Explain a pure FIFO way to achieve the effect of start a
sessio without getting the GUI involved.  (I suspect there is such a
method, but I don't know it.)

At any rate, the missing piece of the puzzle for me seems to be how to
invoke the "start session" function, or how to get it on my menu.

> Achim
> P.S.  The word 'seem' in the subject is an indication that
> the report is better first send to debian-kde list to make
> sure it's a bug ;)

'seem' referred to the fact there might be some way to make it work,
as there seems to be.  But even if there is, the documentation needs
to explain it, so it's a documentation bug.

When I get to a good point to tweak my Xservers and kill all my
sessions I'll give this all a try.

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