
On 2024-10-06 at 14:06:44 +0000, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> [A dependency on pkg-resources is] coming from an upstream dependency
> on setuptools (requires).
> [...]
> So, in your case, the upstream probably has a completely unnecessary
> requires for setuptools. Probably should use install_requires instead,
> or even better pyproject's build-system requires.

I have a package (python-ghostscript) that is in a similar case, with a
dependency on pkg-resources picked up from a dependency on setuptools,
but I can't understand why it's happening: 

* setuptools is mentioned in requirements.txt, but the other packages in
  that file aren't picked up as dependencies (which is good);
* setuptools is mentioned in tox.ini, which should be totally irrelevant;
* python3-setuptools is in Build-Depends, again probably not relevant;
* setuptools is mentioned in setup.py *and* setup.cfg, but in both cases
  it is listed as an install_requires, not a requires.

Anybody has any hint on what could be happening here?

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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