Hey, all!

In 2024, we launched a crowdfunding to hold the MiniDebConf in Belo Horizonte, and thanks to your contributions, the fundraising was a success! We started with a goal of BRL 3,000.00 and reached BRL 7,239.65 :-)

Now we are here again organizing MiniDebConf Maceió 2025 and opening the call for the community to contribute to the crowndfunding of the first edition of this event in the Northeast Brazil, which will take place from May 1st to 4th.

We are not even proposing (yet) to cover last year's collection, we will start modestly :-) so our initial goal will be to pay a gold sponsorship quota, which this year is worth BRL 3,500.00.

We have created some rules about donations (which include an exclusive gift), so go to the page below and read about how to contribute:


Registration and call for activities:

Participant registration and the call for activities are now open for MiniDebConf Maceió 2025.

More information:


To hold MiniDebConf, we are seeking financial sponsorship from companies and organizations. So if you work for a company/organization (or know someone who works for one), please recommend our sponsorship plan to them. There you will see the values of each share and its benefits.

Download our sponsorship plan at:



If you have any questions, send an email to cont...@debianbrasil.org.br


- Debian Project
- Brazil Debian Community
- 0xE Hacker Club

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Belo Horizonte - Brasil
Debian Developer
Site: http://phls.com.br
GPG ID: 0443C450

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