(please cc publicity@d.o.) Dearest Fellows,
The Publicity team is revitalizing the Debian Project News (DPN)[1]. I was thinking to do a DPN at this year's end or at the start of the next year as an archive issue that gives retrospective highlights to the many things that the project has accomplished in 2024. We heavily rely on DDs, teams, and groups that approach us with reports, announcements, and other news worth sharing, which is something that works well in conjunction with our own process of scouring the project mailing lists for items to share. In reality with that approach the publicity team promotes just a fraction of what is going on in Debian, we do so mainly via our Micronews[2] and Bits blog[3] services, though truthfully we do miss a few things here and a few things there. One of our team goals in the next year is to promote ourselves a bit more so that those same aforementioned agencies know that our services are always available. So now we think, why not address all of those concerns with a spectacular year end review/archive edition? The proposed issue for the next publication would highlight many of the prior news links and articles, using a 'Here is what you may have missed' theme, but why not invite the teams and groups themselves to tell the rest of the world and the community of the awesome that you have done this year alone? Could I ask each team represented here to send a blurb/paragraph of your activities for the 2024 year? We would love to add it to the issue and if there is enough internally driven content we can make this happen. Calls for help for your team along with a blurb would be just as satisfactory for some outreach and maybe new volunteers. >From what we have seen so far readers/followers would be very receptive to a project summary especially as we have taken care in expanding our social media reach, updating the Debian website (webmasters team), and the fine tuning of our own publication methods which are allowing for greater feedback directly from users and organizations. [1] https://www.debian.org/News/weekly/ [2] https://micronews.debian.org/ [3] https://bits.debian.org/ -- - Be well, Donald Norwood Debian Press and Publicity -- - ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Donald Norwood ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ B7A1 5F45 5B28 7F38 4174 ⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ D5E9 E5EC 4AC9 BD62 7B05